Mixed-Herb and Preserved Lemon Gremolata The next time you have spare bits of various herbs needing to be used up, make this gremolata and dress up your meat and fish. In a perfect world, I would have a thriving, verdant herb garden just outside my kitchen. I would be able to pick just the ... Read More
Chicken with Pineapple-Mango-Chipotle Barbecue Sauce
How would you describe your perfect day? I imagine your answer, like mine, would vary depending on mood, circumstance or even the season. Because of the frenetic pace that life has been going lately I've found myself, more than a few times, wishing I were on a beach somewhere far away. ... Read More
Chinese Chili Sauce
It is an ongoing joke in my family how out of control my father can be when it comes to picking up unusual items at the Asian market (oddly-flavored drinks, chips, crackers, condiments). Where my mother will come home bearing only the items she put on her list when shopping alone, excursions ... Read More
Taste of South America, Part 1: Buenos Aires
Jet lag is partly to blame. During my first few hours walking around the Recoleta barrio (neighborhood) of Buenos Aires, I kept thinking I was in Europe. Along Avenida Alvear, I may as well have been. The Recoleta is at the heart of the French Heritage district where much of the ... Read More
Italian Salsa Verde
4/6/18: I've updated this old favorite with new pictures. In terms of preparation, think pesto sans the basil and cheese. It's very easy and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do. According to Marcella Hazan in Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking, this is typically prepared ... Read More