My husband has just returned from his annual camping trip with the boys. They spent almost 10 days in the arid region of northern Nevada trying to catch the very narrow window of good weather between bitter cold and scorching heat. I have joined him on this camping trip in the past (I've ... Read More
Lemon Buttermilk Sorbet
There is one part of me that feels a sorbet post is a bit premature--spring has not officially arrived yet, after all. Early morning and evening breezes still have a crispness to them, not quite eliminating the need to carry a scarf everywhere I go. My car is littered with them for ... Read More
Papaya-Carrot Sorbet
Just a quick post today. Three of my nieces and nephews are in town for a visit and we've got lots of activities to check off the list. Today, we're off to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk for some attractions and even some beach time. My days are short when I have my sisters' children around, ... Read More
Lychee-Coconut Sorbet
When I returned from a foodie event last night, the first question I posed to my husband was if he had any of the lychee sorbet I had made earlier. Without hesitation he replied, "I did. It was gooood. I had lots of it." The meager portion remaining of the originally 3 1/2 cups of sorbet ... Read More