My birthday celebration in Napa Valley last week started with a minor problem before we even drove off our driveway. My husband packed up our bikes hoping that we'd be able to get in a ride or two while in wine country. It was our first time lowering the rear seat backs in our station wagon ... Read More
Salsa di Parmigiano (Parmesan Dip)
There are less than two weeks left before Christmas. Are you excited or are you in a panic for all the items yet to be crossed off the list? Are you hosting a holiday party this year? My kitchen isn't usually abuzz with activity this time of year since other family members host ... Read More
Marinated Feta Cheese
Raise your hand if your weekly grocery run involves more than a few stops. For me, it's Sigona's for produce, Robert's for meat, Trader Joe's for some favorite items and Safeway for other things. This doesn't include the stops at the Asian market and the Latin market when the pantry is ... Read More
Rosemary-Parmesan Crackers
As I type, there is a quintet of kitchen pots doing double duty as drip catchers in my family room. I wouldn't mind so much a drip...drip...drip, a slow harmony but last night's rain has produced a fast, furious drum beat, a constant downpour in my home. My husband has just discovered that the ... Read More